2016. április 01. írta: OttokeBlog


Ma április elsején robbant a bomba hír, EXO Kai és F(x) Krystal randiznak!


Nem tudom, a Dispatch csak április elsejei tréfának szánta-e, de annak durva lenne. Emlékezzünk csak, a Baekhyun-Taeyeon párosból is mekkora botrány kerekedett. Szóval inkább elhisszük azért is, mert 2014 óta terjengenek pletykák róluk.

Mindenesetre az SM megerősítette a hírt, úgyhogy gratulálunk az újabb SM párhoz, remélve, hogy az EXO-L nem kapja úgy szét Krystal-t mint anno Taeyeon-t.

Netizenek reakciói a netizenbuzzról:

Source: OSEN via Naver

1. [+870, -23] Hul official... daebak, it's true...
2. [+761, -16] Yeah, I knew it was an excuse that they were too busy to date.. even EXO has time to date..
3. [+822, -41] No such thing as friends between a man and a woman. There've been multiple Pann posts about them recently but the OP got so much hate each time.
4. [+510, -22] Wow, so the official statement is out...
5. [+308, -26] Ah.........
6. [+145, -8] SM is full of nothing but pretty and handsome kids, it'd be weird if they didn't fall in love with each other
7. [+106, -14] It's a coupling I've wanted but it still breaks my heart ㅠㅠ
8. [+75, -5] They match well... ^^ be happy...
Source: Nate
1. [+223, -20] Wake up EXO stupid fangirls
2. [+168, -14] EXO has gone through so many scandals and they're older now so I hope that the fans have calmed down a bit and don't go crazy over this
3. [+143, -8] The confirmation's out...
4. [+27, -2] EXO fans tried so hard to make Kai look like he was the type to block off all female advances ㅋㅋㅋ serves you all right
5. [+25, -1] Stupid fangirls are funding their dates ㅋㅋㅋ
6. [+22, -6] As they say, there's no smoke without fire ㅋㅋ there've been a ton of rumors about them already
7. [+18, -10] She's going to get a ton of hate if they break up like Taeyeon did
8. [+15, -2] I know from experience, dating within the company never works out

Source: Dispatch via Naver

1. [+4,966, -131] Is this an April Fool's joke...
2. [+4,043, -93] Dispatch is really just... amazing...
3. [+3,037, -116] Is this for... April fool's...
4. [+2,805, -124] Amazing, Kai and Krystal..
5. [+1,928, -75] Wow daebak ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
6. [+767, -49] Apparently fans already knew...
7. [+653, -44] EXO really enjoys dating within the company ㅋㅋㅋ
8. [+433, -13] There were a lot of fan accounts of them spotted together, there's a reason fans were linking them..
Source: Nate
1. [+707, -17] EXO fans are going to go crazy...
2. [+649, -16] Is this Dispatch's April Fool's joke
3. [+326, -7] I guess it's true that Kai took Krystal's cat to the hospital... hul...
4. [+81, -1] There's a reason fans have been releasing evidence about them all this time
5. [+76, -2] I remember posting about this earlier but the stupid fangirls were in denial and asked for proof ㅋㅋㅋ thanks Dispatch for the proof ㅋㅋㅋ serves you dumb fans right ㅋㅋㅋ
6. [+52, -3] She's dating someone better than her unni at least
7. [+51, -4] I guess it's true that stars just can't wait to make things obvious when they're in a relationship ㅋㅋ so many rumors about their couple items and now they get caught by Dispatch. Kai seemed super busy with his tour and all but he still makes time in the day for Krystal ㅋㅋ they match well ㅠㅠ
8. [+46, -4] They match well... I'm sure fans have known about this for a while, so...
Source: Nate
1. [+119, -6] All the EXO fans who tried to prove that they weren't dating just wasted their time ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
2. [+105, -3] Of all the times for a dating scandal, it had to be on April fool's day ㅋㅋㅋ
3. [+79, -2] At least they're under the same agency so we're not going to get weird statements that end up ruining one side over the other
Source: Nate
1. [+198, -24] I guess some rumors are true. There were so many other rumors about her dating TOP but it was actually Kai...
2. [+171, -16] EXO gets into so many scandals for how little it's been since their debut, although I'm sure it's because they're popular
3. [+143, -4] Daebak...
4. [+50, -40] I'm a girl but I feel like Krystal could do better... ㅜㅜㅜ I thought she'd date an actor
5. [+42, -11] I guess it's a lie that they're too busy to date... I wonder what excuse they're going to make now...


Forrás: Naver, Netizenbuzz,Netizenbuzz, Dispatch

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